A self-paced course on

Chinese + naturopathic

medicine. To educate on

raising children, naturally

This course is on babies + children's health. Starting at postnatal health, breastfeeding, bottle feeding, to starting solids. We then move through gut health, anti-biotic repair, nutrition, immunity, fussy eaters, Chinese medicine for kids, and common health conditions.

Sandi comprises her 14 years of clinical experience and five years as a university teacher on paediatric medicine to bring you, Wild Bloom.

Gentle Chinese Medicine Tools

A module in the course is on Chinese medicine for children's health and takes you through a few tools you can use at home, to enhance your children's health and wellness

Food as Medicine

Food changes are easier to make when you understand why you need to make them. This course has an entire module on what and why to eat certain foods, and why we avoid others. A big section is also dedicated to fussy eaters and mindful eating.

Common Condition's

Your natural medicine toolkit is a must-have to try and support your little ones naturally. Learn the basics of what you can have on guard at home, so when your child falls sick, you have some natural medicine ready to support them.

Wild Bloom Children's Health - Preview Content

  Introduction to Children's health
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Supporting the Mother
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Introducing Solids + Coming off Formula
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Gut Health + Healthy Habits
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Nutrition + Immunity
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Fussy Eaters
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Chinese Medicine for Kids
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Common Health Conditions
Available in days
days after you enroll

Wild Bloom Course Investment

Master's Degree Qualified and Five Years University Teaching in Paediatric Medicine

Sandi brings her clinical years working with children along with her university knowledge, to give you an easy-to-digest way of supporting your little one's health - mostly delivered in videos and downloadables, easy to listen to for busy mums