Wheat + Dairy


Now, I'm not advocating to avoid any food group UNLESS your child isn't thriving or is constantly getting sick. In this case, it's worth exploring food groups to eliminate. Now, when we eliminate, we do so whilst supporting the healing of the gut and immune system with potential things like probiotics, cod liver oil, and basic immune nutrients like zinc and vitamin C. It can be worthwhile removing both dairy and gluten COMPLETELY for 2-4 weeks, then introducing one back into the diet at a time, spaced apart by one week.


The two biggest food intolerances that can lead to poor gut health, immune dysfunction, allergies, and behavior problems are gluten and dairy. Not always, but often. It's always worth starting with the elimination of these two, before trying other food groups. The idea is to eliminate for 2 weeks completely, then reintroduce one at a time and wait up to 4 days before trying another. Below you will find a handout on what you can swap out if you are trailing an elimination of gluten or dairy. Below you will find a swap-out chart to help with what to eat.

Note: casein is the protein found in dairy

Vidoe link by Dr. Mark Hyman on Dairy



A lot of people react to the proteins gluten or gliadin in wheat. However, what has changed so much in the past 100 years. Wheat has been hybridized, genetically modified, and spray with a very strong antimicrobial and antifungal roundup (glyphosate). Eating foods sprayed with a round-up kill off your beneficial bacteria too, so we now recognize the problem maybe what's on the wheat, not the wheat itself?

Watch this link on all thing Wheat/Gluten


For those who love a little more science on grains.

Dr. William Davis interview on Wheat link:


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